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Practical Hints On Alcohol And Drug Treatment

Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

You'll usually not hear the name of Jesus much in AA, but He is there in many members' minds. visit this page of the nameless "Higher power" is to draw people who have pre-conceived notions about God into the fellowship without scaring them off. A lot of people had bad experiences in sanctimonious churches and think the experiences are from God. Sad, but a fact of life.

drunking and driving Look for an attorney who is compassionate to your situation. It can be a very emotional time for you, and aside from the paper work, sometimes what you really need is for someone to listen, someone who will help you stay positive throughout the draining process of filing a claim. When you have an attorney who can stay upbeat and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel, it not only helps your frame of mind - it also helps you in your recovery.

There are A.A. meetings held in almost every major metropolitan city. In some locales meetings are held daily, while in others they are held once a week. Anyone who feels they have a problem controlling their alcohol consumption is encouraged to attend a meeting. They aren't required to participate and can instead listen as the group's leader addressed those present. During many meetings people in attendance will share their individual stories and will be offered support by others.

drunk driving crashes murder somebody about every forty minutes and hurt a person every precious minute that ticks by. Obviously, drunk driving is rampant. A driver who has a blood alcohol content of 0.08% is considered drunk according to US laws. A 0.08% of blood alcohol content translates to having 0.08 grams of liquor in every 100 grams of your blood. A person's ability to get behind the wheel is considered questionable with a 0.08% of blood alcohol content. It is said that you will have not have the normal reflexes required for proper driving to prevent you from getting into any kind of accident.

Total abstinence - The only way forwards with regards to Alcohol as far as Alcoholics Anonymous is concerned is no Alcohol at all. You should ideally not drink prior to going to a meeting, or if you have had something to drink then go to a meeting but do not say anything in the meeting as this can be frowned upon.

The other day someone who read my blog, sent me an article about an AA chapter in Washington D.C that was accused of being a cult. The members of this chapter of AA basically encouraged younger female members to have sex with older male members and encouraged members in general to discontinue all ties with anyone who was not a member of this AA chapter. Does that ring the "cult bell" in your head? It certainly does in mine. You can read that article here.

So when we stumble into an alcoholics anonymous meeting and hear that part of the recovery process is to share our secrets with someone we resist with every ounce of our being. Our instincts, honed by years of drinking, encourage us to hold back.

Look for an attorney with proven experience representing the victims of drunk driving accidents. You can do a Google search or look in the newspaper for recent notable cases in your area with favorable outcomes. Look for any similarities between your situation and theirs. The lawyer who handled that case will be familiar with the legwork required to handle yours.